You Have Hidden Fees: in fact you have several categories of fees that are eating away at your retirement savings.
Your Money is NOT Liquid: you cannot access your money whenever you want or need to use it, without penalty charges and taxes owed.
Your Money is NOT Protected NOR Guaranteed: no matter how your portfolio is setup, your money is directly exposed to the market and you can absolutely lose a significant chunk of your savings/investments.
Deferred Taxation Can Deplete Your Savings Faster and Run Out Of Money: biggest uncertainty most people come to realize, when they retire relying solely on these accounts potentially losing a significant chunk of their savings, high taxes in withdraws, and running out of money during retirement.
No Management Fees: keep 100% of your hard-earned money working for YOU even during retirement with no management fees as it should be.
Accelerated Wealth Building: get compounding growth on your accounts at higher interest rates, Guaranteed. Your money is no good if it's just sitting in a bank, CDs or losing money in the markets via 401k, IRA, Mutual Funds.
Your Money Has Flexible Liquidity: you can easily access a certain percentage of your money each year without worrying about paying taxes or penalties if you need it.
Your Money is 100% Protected from Any Loss: regardless of how the market performs, you will have the peace of mind knowing your savings will NEVER lose value because of the Guaranteed protection.
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